Compass Group says no thank you to cage eggs

Does your food taste a little bit more like freedom and animal well-being? Then you are not completely wrong – at least not if you take your meals in one of Compass Group’s many restaurants within companies and educational sites across the country, or if your meals are delivered by Din Private Kok.

In September 2016 Compass Group initiated the phase-out of cage eggs at the roughly 200 Eurest and Chartwells restaurants as well as the numerous meals that weekly are delivered to the many thousands of senior citizens that are living at home.

A step in the right direction

“As an organisation we desire to run business on the basis of a sustainable foundation” Jacob Bangsted, Head of Procurement in Denmark, explains in connection with the change. “To us that is among others a matter of considering animal welfare and in that case a rejection of cage eggs is a step in the right direction”.

It is expected that the practicalities of the phase-out are completed before the end of 2016. Afterwards, it is not possible for Compass Group’s production units and kitchens to order – and thereby cook with egg products based on cage eggs. Neither as fresh, pasteurised, boiled nor shelled eggs. “And that’s something we are fond of as Compass Group take its environmental responsibilities very seriously worldwide”, Jacob Bangsted elaborates.

When the phasing out has finished there will solely be used ecological eggs or barn eggs in every meal from Din Private Kok and every Eurest and Chartwells restaurant.
